I have just been turned on by the magical character that is Joel Bauer.
His business card is dice-cut, embossed, has a pop-up in it, and foil-wrapped. It’s a square so you can’t fit it in your pocket, but it looks like a GREAT coaster (super-thick card stock, so I’m assuming great absorption…)
Joel Bauer is self-made rich. He’s self-made successful. He makes a living convincing people that he’s so excellent at training THEM to sell. People swear that he’s helped them in their lives.
Here’s the link to a video of Joel telling you your business card is crap. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_OtzL1xUiY
Here’s the contrast of another self-made rich/successful entertainer who’s business card is, according to Joel, crap
Personally, I think we all like Steve Martin more than Joel. But I think I like Joel’s fans more than Steve. Joel Bauer appeals to a segment of people who are highly energized and motivated. People who are looking to change the world and want a plan/formula/strategy to make that happen. Snake oil salesmen or not, Joel’s convincing people everyday to be/do better (DGBG!) and, through his polished-sleaziness, his sermons seems to hit home. People are seeing results. Steve Martin plays the banjo and has good taste in modern art….and provides residual entertainment on his twitterfeed. I’d love to create crawfish with Steve, but Joel is inspiring a legion of people, any of whom I’d love to join of my team.
Plus, I think he’d like my business card.
If the person can’t accept a vCard from me I really have no use for them unless they are already such a big shot, like a Steve Wozniak and his titanium cards, they can do as they please.